Image of KCC President Mike Gorman presenting A Place Called Home with $1000 donation.

A Place Called Home

November 2, 2023

A message from A Place Called Home:

A Place Called Home (APCH) would like to wholeheartedly thank the Kawartha Cycling Club and President Mike Gorman for their special $1000.00 donation to APCH’s Bike Share Program.

This important gift will help our organization maintain the four Townie Bikes in our Bikeshare program so that our clients can continue to enjoy free and accessible transportation to get to a job interview, a doctor’s appointment, look for new housing, or for some healthy exercise. Access to these bikes will improve our client’s independence, which can bolster self-esteem.

Thank you, Kawartha Cycling Club, for helping our organization provide free and accessible transportation to our clients at APCH!

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