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Kawartha Cycling Club Start Up and COVID-19 Changes and Actions
Ride Procedures Update:
All cyclists must be 2020/21 members of the Club or a guest rider. All current members must read the KCC’s response to Covid-19 , sign the Covid-19 waiver and e-mail a copy or picture of the signed document to our Membership Coordinator, Penny Brown coqbhtvr@tznvy.pbz . You can also bring the signed document to your first ride but please let Penny know. Those who join the Club after this e-mail will be signing the waiver on-line so no further action will be required.
Please note we are adhering to physical distancing requirements. It is strongly recommended that you wear or at a minimum, have a mask with you to wear, when physical distancing is an issue.
Ride Offering Changes:
The Executive has decided to postpone all Sunday afternoon and Wednesday evening rides to 2021.
We plan to define our ride groups by average speed not distance. The actual route can be modified at the ride. We will also allow cyclists to ride at their own pace with a buddy (not in a group) provided they follow KCC policies, know the route and inform their ride leader.
Strava Sign Up
Our plan is to use Strava to invite Members to each individual ride. In some cases (such as Thursday) there will be separate invitations for “A”, “B” and “C” groups. The invite will include ride details such as start location, time, suggested route, and average speed. Join the group that meets your interest and capability. Once invited you just click the appropriate ride and click where appropriate to join. If, for some reason you change your mind please return to the invite and change your response.
At the ride we will also be required to keep a sign-up sheet and file it for contact tracing.
For further information or to ask questions please contact Andrew Staneland at nfgnarynaq@tznvy.pbz
Thank you all – Our AGM will be a Zoom meeting on November26 at 9 am. If you have suggestions or comments, please send them to nqzva@xnjnegunplnyvatpyho.pbz
Join us on our fall trip to Ottawa. Check out the details!
2024 KCC Club Jersey! Order yours today!